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  Two of the World's most recognized Names in Forex Trading
now available to Canadians through one of
Canada's Oldest and Most Trusted Regulated Brokers 

 Friedberg Direct

powered by FXCM & AVATRADE technology


Friedberg Direct, a division of Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd., the Canadian regulated broker/dealer, offers Canadian residents access to FXCM and AvaTrade, two of the world’s most recognized OTC derivatives trading platforms that specialize  in Forex and CFD trading.

Accounts are opened and held with Friedberg Direct.




Friedberg is one of Canada's oldest and most trusted independent commodity futures, securities and foreign currency firms. It was the leading clearing broker at the Toronto Futures Exchange and is a member of the Canadian Investment Industry Regulatory Organization and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


Friedberg Direct offers Order Execution Only accounts and does not offer advice or recommendation regarding trades.


View CIRO’s online advisor check database


Friedberg only operates the following 6 websites:  ~  ~  ~

Account opening applications MUST be completed by the individual who will own and trade the account.

No other person, or employee of Friedberg Direct, FXCM or AvaTrade or any other firm that may have referred you to us is permitted, under any circumstances, to complete the account opening application or agree to any Terms and Conditions, disclosures or confirm receipt of any regulatory disclosures or documents on your behalf. Please do not share your log in credentials with anyone or give over control of your computer or trading platform to any third party or individuals that you are not familiar with. 

Friedberg Direct does not provide any investment advice or recommendations. Any market recommendations, signals, algorithms, information and/or opinions procured from or provided by and/or distributed by any third party do not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or the recommendation to buy or sell, any transaction on behalf of Friedberg Direct. Reliance on any such recommendations, signals, algorithms, information and/or opinions procured from or provided by and/or distributed by any third party is solely at your own discretion and Friedberg Direct does not take any responsibility for the outcome of any actions or trades based on such reliance. This includes, but is not limited to, the MT4 and MT5 trading platforms and/or any other platforms utilized to trade on your Friedberg Direct trading account(s). You should always seek independent advice from a professional financial advisor.

Please be advised that you are solely responsible for assessing the merits and risks of any trade that you enter, and each trade entered into by you represents an independent decision. You are solely responsible for the trades you chose to enter into and their outcome.

For more information and details about our product & service
offerings, please click on the appropriate logo below

High Risk Investment Warning: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposit and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Please read our Full Risk Warnings.

Please note the information on this website is primarily intended for retail customers.


Friedberg Direct is a division of Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. , a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), and all Canadian Exchanges. Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. is headquartered at 220 Bay St., Suite 600, Toronto, ON M5J 2W4, Canada.

​Accounts are opened with and are held by Friedberg Direct which clears trades through:


For Friedberg Direct powered by FXCM technology:   a subsidiary within the FXCM group of companies (collectively, the "FXCM Group"). Customers of Friedberg Direct may, in part, be serviced through subsidiaries within the FXCM Group. The FXCM Group does not own or control any part of Friedberg Direct and is headquartered 20 Gresham Street, 4th Floor, London EC2V 7JE, United Kingdom.


For Friedberg Direct powered by AvaTrade technology:   a subsidiary within the AvaTrade group of companies (collectively, the "AvaTrade Group"). Customers of Friedberg Direct may, in part, be serviced through subsidiaries within the AvaTrade Group. The AvaTrade Group does not own or control any part of Friedberg Direct and is headquartered at 1 Five Lamps Place, Amiens Street, Dublin, Ireland.


​* The trading desk opens on Sundays between 5:00 PM ET and 5:15 PM ET. The trading desk closes on Fridays at 4:55 PM ET. Please note that orders placed prior may be filled until 5:00 p.m. ET and that traders placing trades between 4:55 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. may be unable to cancel orders pending execution.


​§ Friedberg Direct’s liquidity providers include global banks, financial institutions, prime brokers and other market makers.

Derivatives offered to Quebec residents are authorized by the Quebec AMF.

Avertissement d’investissement à haut risque: La négociation de devises sur marge comporte un niveau de risque élevé et peut ne pas convenir à tous les investisseurs. Le degré élevé d’effet de levier peut fonctionner contre vous ainsi que pour vous. Avant de décider de négocier des devises étrangères  , vous devez examiner attentivement vos objectifs d’investissement, votre niveau d’expérience et votre appétit pour le risque. La possibilité existe que vous pourriez subir une perte au-delà de votre dépôt et donc vous ne devriez pas investir de l’argent que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de perdre. Vous devez être conscient de tous les risques associés à la négociation de devises et demander conseil à un conseiller financier indépendant si vous avez des doutes. Veuillez lire nos Avertissements sur l’ensemble des risques.

Veuillez noter que les informations sur ce site Web sont principalement destinées aux clients de détail.


Friedberg Direct est une division de Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd., membre de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements (OCRI), du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE) et de toutes les bourses canadiennes. Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. a son siège social au 220 Bay St., Suite 600, Toronto, ON M5J 2W4, Canada.

Les comptes sont ouverts avec et sont détenus par Friedberg Direct qui efface les transactions à travers:


Pour Friedberg Direct propulsé par la technologie FXCM: une filiale du groupe de sociétés FXCM (collectivement, le « groupe FXCM »). Les clients de Friedberg Direct peuvent, en partie, être desservis par des filiales au sein du groupe FXCM. Le groupe FXCM ne possède ni ne contrôle aucune partie de Friedberg Direct et a son siège social au 20 Gresham Street, 4th Floor, Londres EC2V 7JE, Royaume-Uni.


Pour Friedberg Direct propulsé par la technologie AvaTrade:  une filiale du groupe de sociétés AvaTrade (collectivement, le « groupe AvaTrade »). Les clients de Friedberg Direct peuvent, en partie, être desservis par des filiales au sein du  groupe AvaTrade. Le groupe AvaTrade ne possède ni ne contrôle aucune partie de Friedberg Direct et a son siège social au 1 Five Lamps Place, Amiens Street, Dublin, Irlande.


* Le bureau de négociation ouvre le dimanche entre 17h00 HE et 17h15 HE. Le bureau de négociation ferme le vendredi à 16 h 55 HE. Veuillez noter que les ordres placés avant peuvent être remplis jusqu’à 17h00 HE et que les traders qui placent des transactions entre 16h55 et 17h00 peuvent ne pas être en mesure d’annuler les ordres en attente d’exécution.


§ Les fournisseurs de liquidités de Friedberg Direct comprennent des banques mondiales, des institutions financières, des courtiers de premier ordre et d’autres teneurs de marché.

Les produits dérivés offerts aux résidents du Québec sont autorisés par l’Autorité des marchés financiers du Québec.


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© Copyright 2023 by Friedberg Direct. All rights reserved.

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